Personalized food Products for Patients

3D printed food: Our prototype had its first test run at Aalborg Universitetshospital We visited Anne Katrine, a food and innovation scientist at Aalborg Universitetshospital, to look at the 3D printer prototype we developed in cooperation with Aarhus Universitet, Danish Technological Institute, Københavns Universitet, Arla Foods, and DuPont. The research project is supported by the…

Particle3D chooses Create It REAL A/S to develop a pneumatic extrusion technology for 3D printing

Since 2015, Particle3D has been developing its disruptive bone-printing technology based on hard science from extensive pre-clinical work. Particle3D’s patented bio-ink enables the possibility to print patient-specific, natural, and resorbable bone implants for reconstruction of the human body’s skeleton based on the patient’s own CT or MRI scan. In addition, the technology renders it possible…

From entrepreneurial dream to a success story, Create it REAL are expanding to the next level – from ApS to A/S.

The upgraded company format enables continuous growth of technology, customer service and welcomes new members to our dedicated team. With the new setup we comply to stricter requirements regarding minimum capital and management structure. Create it REAL’s growing global presence, key partnerships and professional solutions is thereby reflected in the company credentials. We are pushing…

Create it REAL integrerer 3D Print i undervisningen med et komplet undervisningsforløb, “Modi”, tilpasset den danske Folkeskole

Nu lanceres “Modi”, en platform med komplet undervisningsmateriale, som på en sjov måde integrerer 3D Print med Matematik, Fysik, Håndværk & Design og Teknologiforståelse. En let introduktion for læreren gør det super nemt at komme i gang med. Opgaverne inddrager elementer af design og ingeniør videnskab, og gør teknologien nærværende for både drenge og piger. Platformen er…